Cath Lab, IR & EP Wage Trends and Analysis
Welcome to the Phoenix Monthly Market Analysis for all travel jobs in Cardiac Cath Lab, Interventional Radiology and Electrophysiology! We’ll break down last month’s newest high-paying jobs with state-by-state analysis and nursing vs tech breakdowns.
Historical trends return…
With 4-5 months of low volumes and with average gross weekly pay packages similar to pre-Covid, it’s safe to say that we’re officially in a travel recession. April did maintain the volume of March, however average weekly pay is falling well below the $3,000 level in most states. Nursing in Cath, IR and EP has taken the brunt of the recession: volumes compared to October 2023 are down almost 50% and rates have dropped accordingly. Technologists have been shielded, with order volumes and rates declining, but not as much relative to Nursing. Looking at the maps on page 2 and 3, the geographical distinctions are becoming clearer and the historical trends are coming back.